Årets første utstillingshelg
Da opprinnelig dommer for søndag valgte å trekke seg grunnet uoverensstemmelser angående betaling, som hadde ført til en kostnad klubben ikke kunne stå inne for, har vi nå funnet en erstatter.

Informasjon om dommerne
Lørdag 13. april Kristiina Niemelä, Finland
Søndag 14. april Ricardo Silva, Portugal
Lørdag 13. april Kristiina Niemelä, Finland

I have been involved with Rottweilers all my life and can’t imagine my life without Rottweiler.
The first Rottweiler came to our family 1970 and my own female I got 1986. My first Rottweiler litter was born 1990 and have bred ten litters by kennel Chrisrott. I’m working at veterinary clinic as a nurse and the clinic manager.
I am honored to be IFR board member since 2015.
I have been judging Rottweiler Special Shows in many different countries; Italy, Spain, Belgium, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Lithuania, Latvia, France, Estonia, Russia, China, UK, Holland, Serbia, Egypt, Finland and continents since 2005. I am a member in Finnish Rottweiler association judge committee, respond of judge education and breeding inspector education for Rottweiler with two other judges.
I have been judging Rottweiler Special Shows in many different countries; Italy, Spain, Belgium, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Lithuania, Latvia, France, Estonia, Russia, China, UK, Holland, Serbia, Egypt, Finland and continents since 2005. I am a member in Finnish Rottweiler association judge committee, respond of judge education and breeding inspector education for Rottweiler with two other judges.
I am happy to work for this great breed and be honor as Rottweiler judge to share my view of Rottweiler and to learn more from you.
All my future life day will be a lesson – to know Rottweiler breed closer and better : as judge and as breeder.
Good luck my Rottweiler Friends !
Søndag 14. april Ricardo Silva, Portugal

The love for the dog starts very early.
Since the age of 10 I have kept a bond with dogs. My first dog was a German Shepherd.
At the age of 18 I acquired my first Rottweiler with which I began to present and breed with my wife, we began the breeding of «Casa Alto Cristelo» of which we developed a work that makes us proud, rewarded with several titles in our chapter.
In 2001 I fell in love with the Bullmastiff breed, which I am in love with for life.Since then, we start the search for knowledge and start to be more attempt to the Bullmastiff and the passion starts to grow and grow. We have obtained quite satisfactory results, for all over the world rings, with numerous championship titles and BIS with dogs from our breeding and our kennel.
For sure the BULLMASTIFF is an addiction, a way of being in life that when entered in your life never comes out.
I started my career as a judge in 2013 after having already judged in a few shows in Europe, club shows and breed specials.
In 2019 I had the great pleasure of judging the Bullmastiff Association Club Show and being appointed CC judge in the bullmastiff by the English Kennel Club.
I am vice-president of the Portuguese Bullmastiff Club and vice-President Portuguese Club of Dogue de Bordeaux.
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Utstilling Vestfold 13.-14. april